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Papers Written for Science
Soil Chemistry

    In the late 1960's soil chemistry was mainly focused on chemical soil reactions that have an affect on how a plant grows. The concern about soil pollution have been growing as well as about environmental health risks soil science is important to predict contaminants is the environment since most contaminates are discharged on to the soil, when this happens reactions like adsorption or desorption,precipitation, polymerization, dissolution, etc. Knowing this we can help predict toxicity and protect the soil.

    Soil chemist look into soil thermodynamics and solution of single-ion activity coefficients, and they also provide knowledge on water molecules and how they adhere to soil material surfaces . This is the third generation of sail chemistry which will be more remembered by being more computer aided. Soil chemistry developed over the past two centuries. J. Thomas Way did studies on ion exchange, soil acidity, retention of ions by soil and and clay mineralogy.

    In the 1960's most soil chemistry was used to understand soil chemical reactions so better crops could be grown. In the present research is more on environmental soil research. Chemist were the first to identify the make up of agricultural,industrial, and urban waste. Chemist are now looking into new ways of researching soil and exploring more of the basic principals of chemistry like organic and biochemistry.

 The importance of Soil.

    Soil is one of the most ignored element in our planet and many people don't know that it is an important natural resource. Without soil the planet wouldn't have vegetation like trees, food crops, and there would be no place to have a shelter. Soil is just as important as any other element.

    Aside from providing us with a place to grow food and vegetation and trees, soil is important for gathering data. With the date scientist can predict drought by finding out the soil's capacity to hold water during a dry season. Scientist also check the amount of chemicals and pH in soil to see if the area is able to sustain plant life. Soil tells us the over all health of the area.

    Soil is very important in the chain of life in our planet, decomposition on soil provides organic matter needed to fatten the soil making plants healthy, the plants are eaten by animals and the cycle restarts when the animal dies. Its easier to understand the importance of soil when we have knowledge about the cycles of erosion and decay. The decay is broken down into material much like mulch.

    The best soil is one with activity of recycling organisms or decomposers. The rainforrest has almost perfect conditions for creating fertile soil. Soil types are very different all over the word, the type of soil is defined by the particle is more present in the soil and the pH reading, some are sand, clay, and silt based.

    Organic material improves soils ability to hold water and nutrients so that plants can grow and continue the complex cycles that keep our planet alive and green.